18 July 2009

Careers & Philosophy

So I was in a conversation the other day about my personal philosophy. Don't ask me to define it because I have no idea where to begin! Nonetheless, I was asked how my personal philosophy would integrate into my future career? I was stumped. I didn't know how to approach the question, let alone explain my answer (whatever that was)! Therefore, I set out to categorize some philosophies within my desired field and to compare them with what I believed. A tedious task, I've noticed.

Well, this is what I'm asking: are you able to define traits of your personal philosophy and compare it to the philosophy of your future career? In my opinion, thinking about this makes sense if one of our goals in our jobs is to be content with what we do. Also, it may help you localize what exactly you care about in life.

This is just a suggestion; you don't actually have to do it. But if you think about it for a few minutes, you might gain some insight you never knew you had! Thanks, Karyn.


  1. My personal philosophy....... interesting. I guess if I had to look at how personal philosophy would integrate into my future career, then I would try to do something that made me happy, and enjoyed doing everyday. I think this is important and healthy. If you are not happy within what you do everyday, then I believe that it could affect you in other areas of life.

  2. I also believe to get into a career that makes you happy. Most of our lives may revolve our work place, therefore, it is important to pick a career that fits you. Picking the wrong job can affect you and your family.Definitely a relationship.

  3. I think my personal philosophy when it comes to a career is that you have to love what you do. You have to have a passion for your career in order to remain happy and a positive asset for the company in which you work for.
    ~Nothing amazing in this world has ever been accomplished without passion, so either put your whole heart into it or get out of it.~

  4. Thanks to all of you for considering the aspect of philosophy in your future careers. Philosophy happens to be one of my favourite subjects and I consider it's influence on many decisions I make!
