16 July 2009

future plan

I want to be in the medical field. I am making the nessary steps to accomplish my goal. I will have a B.A degree, finish nursing school, continue my education in graduate school while working as a nurse, and receive a master degree as a family practitioner. I'm hoping to have my own practice and possibly be a boss for some medical facility.

I'm hoping that I can be a part of an organization that will help those in need to pay for any medical bills. I would like all of the leaders of the U.S to take part in planning a better way for all to be insured. I think there should be better checks and balances of how the money is distributed and collected. There should be caps made on the amount of money the "big shots"makes. Regulation have to be made in our economy which should be a main concern.


  1. Devon,

    You certainly have ambitious goals in life. It is nice to hear that someone still believes healthcare can cost less and still be as effective (or beneficial) to patients. Good luck with your plans. I just have one piece of advice: I work in healthcare and see a lot of professionals become burnt out because they are attempting to accomplish too many things at one time and the demands placed on them are too great. If I were you, I would pace myself. Try not to overdo it and wind up not accomplishing any of your goals as a result.

    Thanks, Karyn.

  2. I like how driven you are, and you sound like you want to help people. I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but I have concerns with puting caps on doctors. It worries me if a doctor gets paid the same amount no matter what. I want my doctor to be motivated when trying to cure me of something. I am concerned that doctors will lose motivation if they are on a regulated paycheck.

  3. It really sounds like you have everything figured out and your goals are in order. Nursing is tough at times not just physically but it can be mentally draining as well. I think it really just depends on what field you work in as well. It's a career you have to have a passion for but once you have your nursing degree you can do so many things with it including administrative work as well. Good luck with your future goals, it sounds like you are going to have no problem attaining them.
